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Prospect Nova Scotia was chosen for an underwater landscape study due to its strategic location, rich maritime history, terrestrial cultural resources, shipwrecks and potential for submerged pre-contact cultural resources. The goal of this research was to develop an overall inventory of submerged cultural resources within the study area. The methodology employed to achieve this goal, included the location of potential resources based on sound research and local knowledge, followed by underwater archaeological surveys and analysis.


The primary focus of the work to date has been associated with shipwreck analysis focusing on vessel construction, dating and linking wreck sites with the historical record. Analysis of the recently surveyed sites in context with the early fishery and the overall maritime landscape of Prospect has also provided insight into the early development of Prospect including Prospect`s relationship with Halifax during the critical years after Halifax’s establishment in 1749.


Prospect is representative of a drowned coastline which contains pre-contact and historic features that are presently vulnerable to coastal erosion due to sea level rise and exposure to the open ocean. Recent work in the area includes an investigation of sites identified as having high potential for pre-contact cultural resources.


The secondary focus of the work has been to develop cost effective non intrusive survey, excavation, remediation and analysis techniques applicable to other sites within Nova Scotia. In addition, wreck risk assessment and relative cultural value estimation methodologies have been explored based on analysis of the wreck inventory within the Prospect area. Below is a list of projects carried out for this study:-

Prospect Boat Wreck Site (BcCw-5)

Rouges Roost, Prospect, Nova Scotia


Ryans Island Wreck Site (BcCw-6)

Ryans Island, Lower Prospect, Nova Scotia


Sleepy Cove Wreck Site (BcCw-7)

Pig Island, Prospect Bay, Nova Scotia


HMS Fantome Wreck Site (BcCw-4)

Phantom Cove, Prospect, Nova Scotia


Terence Bay Wreck Site (BcCw-10)

Wreck Cove, Lower Prospect, Nova Scotia


Ryans Point Site (BcCw-8)

Ryans Island, Lower Prospect, Nova Scotia


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